About us

Marham Aviation Heritage Centre

The Aviation Heritage Centre at RAF Marham was born out of the old Station History Room, which was set up in the 1980’s as a facility to display various historical artefacts and memorabilia. This facility was within the bounds of the station so was rarely open to the public.

The original Station History Room was located in the old Operations Block on base, but this was closed when Marham became the RAF’s main Tornado base and space was in short supply. Fortunately, some of those involved with the history room boxed everything up and began the search for a new location to display the rich history of the base. In 2013 a building became available which was outside of the station boundary, it was the old St George’s Roman Catholic church.

Led by Steve Roberts the Curator, the team put together a plan and was granted use of the building. It was then a question of creating the history displays and designing the layout you see today. We hope you enjoy your visit and we would appreciate any feedback you may have.

The displayed collection and the historic archive currently holds some 12,000 items pertaining to either the history of RAF Marham, the Royal Air Force in East Anglia and also the history of the RAF in general. The collection continues to grow as more artefacts and memorabilia are donated or loaned to us, veterans also share their memories of Marham with us and we have started an audio archive of some of those memories. Every day we are open brings more insights and information!
Location: Close to the main gate of RAF Marham. For parking please use the carpark at the back of the RAF Marham Families shopping complex.

Red Dot RAF Marham AHC – Blue Dot Parking for the Centre

Where are we:

Red Dot – RAF Marham Aviation Heritage Centre

Opening Times: Our normal opening times are every Tuesday and Wednesday 0900 to 1600, last entry at 1500; last Saturday of every month (except December) 0930 to 1600, last entry at 1500.
Group Visits: Groups bookings are welcome and are normally conducted during the Centre opening hours. If you are considering bringing a group to the Centre, it is always best to contact us beforehand so we can de-conflict with any other groups who may have booked.

Some of the groups we have welcomed into the Centre to date include – Historical Societies and Groups, WRVS, The British Legion, Scouts, Air Training Corps, Schools and Academies, Colleges, Squadron Associations, Veteran Groups and those still serving. Included in our Group visit is a 1hr+ guided tour of the Centre led by one of our inhouse guides. There is no charge for a group visit, however a donation to the Centre will enable us to continue with our work and also help us improve the quality of the displays.

Group visits can be arranged outside of normal hours, subject to the availability of the volunteer staff and a guide. Please contact us for further details on visits outside of the scheduled opening times.

Cost: Entry to the Centre is FREE, however donations are always welcome! As a registered UK Charity (Charity Number 1169314), the Centre generates funds through the very popular memorabilia shop and through our donations box. Be assured, every penny donated goes towards running costs and the improvement of the displays.

Donating – Donating to a charity can take many forms. The RAF Marham Aviation Heritage Centre has a no charge for entry policy. There is also no charge for Group visits which we deliver. We prefer to leave it to the discretion of the group or visitor to kindly place a donation in the collection box at the entrance.

Be assured, every penny donated goes towards the running, upkeep and improvement of the Centre.

Should you wish to donate by Cheque, please make the cheque out to

Service Funds RAF Marham’

Bank Transfer

Alternatively if you wish to donate by Bank Transfer the Sort Code is 30-99-77

Account Number 29098360

In the reference block please put 203098 AHC Donate

NOTE: There is NO access to the active part of the RAF Marham base area.

The RAF Marham Aviation Heritage Centre main entrance

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